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Bring on the Thunder..... Here comes the Swans....

An image of a red Swan printed on the back of a white T-shirt with the words " Shake down the thunder" printed at the bottom in black.

$34 (includes tshirt)
Print Sizes (more info on print sizes)
  • Vinyl - Back - Medium 10x8
  • Vinyl - Back - Small 10x4 (second colour)
Shipping Cost (how about refunds?)
$8 for a single item and $12 for upto 5 items (Flat rate across Australia). Contact us for overnight or express post options.
Our Reference
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Looking for more? See next print idea - "Of course I'm right!" or have a look at all print ideas for Mens T-shirts / Print Ideas

This is a print idea to get you started out on your own custom Tshirt design. Get in touch with us to have your very own personalised Tshirt printed.

Phone us, e-mail us, ask for a call back or simply contact us online for an obligation free proof. Getting your custom design printed is an easy 3-step process.

Step 1: Tell us what you want Step 2: Approve your free proof Step 3: Collect or have it posted
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Suzan Gerreyn

Proprietor - Third Trio

(03) 8521 3901 or 0497 478 662

or request a callback

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More Print Ideas for you to customise

3rd Birthday


Settled on your kids birthday theme? Why not make it more fun by getting him/her a t-shirt to match..make it a birthday tradition you will cherish...



Kids love to put their name on stuff.. It's the first thing they learn to write... Get the little one a cap with her name on it. She will be so proud!

Future Mrs. ..........

FUTURE MRS. ..........

Planing a hen's night? Customized t-shirts are a must!



Bring in your company logo and we will help put it on a t-shirt.