Talk to a real person (03) 8521 3901

Discounts & Other Charges


We have more discounts if you make large quantity orders or provide the t-shirts
For quantities from 5 to 9 items: discount of $1 per item
For quantities over 10 items: discount of $2 per item
For quantities over 20 items: talk to us for a customized quote
If you bring along your own t-shirt, shirt or hoodie: discount of $2 per item

Other Charges

Prices quoted are for existing or simple designs. Additional charges would apply for extra text/pictures on sleeves/collars etc.
For multiple colors done in Vinyl, extra charges would apply per color.
Complex designs or changes would incur a setup charge based on complexity and time spent on the design.

Accepted Payment Methods 

To make payments easier for you we now accept Credit cards, including American Express, MasterCard, and Visa cards. 
You can still pay with cash if you like to.